Contents of the Python SDK

The Python SDK consists of a single file (api/ containing four classes:

c2mAPIRestCode necessary for executing REST API calls
c2mAPIBatchCode necessary for executing Batch API calls
returnAddressObject for maintaining return address information for batch API calls
printOptionsObject for maintaining print option information

The root folder of the repository contains several files to demonstrate how to use the SDK in different ways.

rest_simpleMail_test.pyDemonstrates how to prepare and submit a simple mail job
batch_simpleMail_test.pyDemonstrates how to set up and execute a batch job to multiple addresses
batch_checkBatchStatus_test.pyDemonstrates how to check the status of a submitted batch job
rest_checkJob_Test.pyDemonstrates how to check the status of a regular job
rest_customAddressList_test.pyDemonstrates how to submit a regular job using a custom address list mapping
rest_doublesided_test.pyDemonstrates how to submit a double-sided mailing job
Test document and images used in the demonstration files